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Consumer Behavior

Animating Questions

  • How do low-income consumers make decisions about food purchases?
  • How do consumer balance decisions to waste food and a desire to improve the environment?
  • How do consumers react to online grocery shopping platforms?
  • What are the practical and ethical implications of online grocery shopping as part of SNAP benefit use?


Peer Reviewed Research Papers

grocery shopping

Is it more convenient to waste? Trade-offs between grocery shopping and waste behaviors

Ellison, B., Fan, L., & Wilson, N. L. W. (2022). Is it more convenient to waste? trade-offs between grocery shopping and waste behaviors. Agricultural Economics, 00, 1– 15.

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What food waste solutions do people support?

Linlin Fan, Brenna Ellison, Norbert L.W. Wilson; What Food Waste Solutions do People Support?; Journal of Cleaner Production 3030 (2022) 129907. https//

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