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ENVIRON 807 International Fisheries Policy: Principles and Concepts Aiming to End Overfishing

Should we eat fish?

Explore international policies to manage marine fisheries and end overfishing, with an emphasis on key principles and concepts agreed in the policies, and the challenges they aim to address. Overview of major international policies guiding where and how national governments manage marine fisheries & collaborations to manage shared and high seas fisheries. Policies & key challenges will be illustrated through case studies. Guest experts from United Nations Food and Agriculture will discuss current topics & efforts to implement policies. Principles and concepts underpinning fisheries mgmt. worldwide & major intl. policy instruments to challenges to ending overfishing.

Instructor: John Virdin
Class Number: 6526
Career(s): Graduate Nicholas School of the Environment
Session: Regular Academic Session
Units: 3
Semester(s): Spring 2025
Grading: Graded