Podcast Topic: Advocacy & Food
The Leading Voices in Food
Podcast Topic: Advocacy & Food
E35: Jennifer Pomeranz on Food Policy and Industry Tactics Driving Preemption
April 25, 2019
In the past several years, cities in California led the way in passing taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages. Berkeley was first with Oakland, San Francisco and Albany, California following, each with the aim of improving public health by decreasing consumption of beverages known to be associated with obesity, diabetes, and other medical issues, and to raise revenue for needed programs. But then something historic happened: preemption. A leading expert on the application of the law on public health and on the issue of preemption is Jennifer Pomeranz.
Related podcasts: Advocacy & Food | Food Industry Behavior & Marketing | Food Policy | Obesity | Soda Taxes |
E34: Juan Rivera on the Success of Mexico’s Soda Tax
April 24, 2019
For people around the world who believe that taxing sugared beverages is a good public health policy, the country of Mexico passing such a tax was a stunning victory. There was a significant need in Mexico to be sure, given high rates of obesity, especially in children, and very high consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages. But there was also a powerful beverage industry fighting the taxes. A fascinating story unfolded as the tax was being considered with a number of courageous and creative individuals at the center. One key figure is today’s guest, Dr. Juan Rivera.
Related podcasts: Advocacy & Food | Child Development & Nutrition | Childhood Obesity | Children Food Preferences | Diet & Nutrition | Food Industry Behavior & Marketing | Food Policy | International Food & Ag Policy | Obesity | Soda Taxes | Ultra-processed Food & Additives |
E26: Aaron Gross on Factory Farming and New Ways to Support Farmers
March 9, 2019
What does it mean to be a conscientious consumer of food? Does it make a difference to the economy, the environment, or is it simply a personal decision? What do people of faith have to say about it? We’ll explore these issues today on the Leading Voices in Food Podcast with our guest, Dr Aaron Gross, an Associate Professor of theology and religious studies at the University of San Diego.
Related podcasts: Advocacy & Food | Agriculture & Tech | Climate Change, Environment & Food | Faith & Food | Food Policy | Food Safety & Food Defense |
E16: Sara Bleich on Menu Labeling, Marketing and Public Health
February 28, 2019
Do you make better food choices when you see calorie counts listed on restaurant menus? Do you think food stamp recipients should be able to buy unhealthy foods, like sugary drinks? And what role should the government play in our food choices? We’ll explore these questions on The Leading Voices in Food with Dr. Sara Bleich.
Related podcasts: Addiction & Food | Advocacy & Food | Food Industry Behavior & Marketing | Food Policy | Food, Psychology & Neuroscience | Obesity |
E25: Christopher Carter on Looking at Food Theologically
February 19, 2019
How should society balance people’s needs and wants for meat and eggs against the needs and wants of farmers and farm animals? What do theologians and ethicists have to say about factory farming, animals and marginalized communities. It’s a complicated subject that triggers strong feelings about moral economics, racial equity, nutrition, and environmental sustainability will explore these issues today on The Leading Voices in Food podcast with our guest, Methodist pastor Christopher Carter, who’s also an assistant professor of theology and religious studies at the University of San Diego.
Related podcasts: Advocacy & Food | Equity, Race & Food Justice | Faith & Food | Food Banks, Food Pantries & Soup Kitchens | Food Insecurity |
E7: Thomas Farley on the Real Returns of the Philadelphia Soda Tax
January 24, 2019
Today’s guest has had a fascinating career and has made significant contributions to public health in Louisiana, New York, and in Pennsylvania. He says he learned the true value of public health investigating syphilis and legionnaire’s disease outbreaks while working for the Center for Disease Control’s epidemic intelligence service. He’s worked on the front lines to prevent and control infectious diseases such as HIV and sexually transmitted diseases, and his research on obesity led him to see the obesity epidemic in our country as an outcome of an unhealthy environment. Dr. Thomas Farley is the Health Commissioner for the City of Philadelphia and he led work to pass a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages, seen widely as a significant success in health policy.
Related podcasts: Advocacy & Food | Childhood Obesity | Diet & Nutrition | Food Industry Behavior & Marketing | Obesity | Soda Taxes |
E5: Kevin Concannon on the Role of Federal & State Food Assistance Programs
January 11, 2019
Imagine presiding over one of the nation’s major food assistance programs. The supplemental nutrition assistance program that helps feed more than $40 million Americans. And that this is just part of your job. Few people have seen the inner workings of federal and state food assistance programs as deeply as today’s guest, Kevin Concannon, former Undersecretary of Food, Nutrition and Consumer services in the US Department of Agriculture, under President Obama.
Related podcasts: Advocacy & Food | Child Development & Nutrition | Childhood Obesity | Equity, Race & Food Justice | Food Policy | School Meals | Social Safety Net & Food |
E4: Billy Shore on Politics, Food and our Children’s Future
If you had the opportunity to shape the country’s agenda for addressing hunger, what solutions would you suggest and how would you drive this needed change? The Leading Voices in Food interviews Billy Shore, executive chairman of No Kid Hungry and its parent organization Share Our Strength.
Related podcasts: Advocacy & Food | Child Development & Nutrition | Food Banks, Food Pantries & Soup Kitchens | Food Insecurity | Food Policy | School Meals |
E15: Hisham Moharram Talks Agripreneurship and The Good Tree
January 9, 2019
Hisham Moharram describes himself as an agripreneur and an environmental and social justice activist. His life’s goal is to establish a local food economy and to show people that we can produce food with environmental stewardship and faith-based agribusiness at the core.
Related podcasts: Advocacy & Food | Agriculture & Tech | Community & Economic Development | Faith & Food |
E9: A’dae Romero-Briones on First Nations Food Systems
January 7, 2019
What can food teach us about our community lifeways, past and present? Community food life ways or one way that first nations tribes can regain food sovereignty in the face of federal policies that have diminished native lands, imposed a non-native diet, and made it difficult to retain native languages. This is a core part of the work of today’s guest on the Leading Voices in Food A’dae Romero-Briones.
Related podcasts: Advocacy & Food | Agriculture & Tech | Climate Change, Environment & Food | Equity, Race & Food Justice | Faith & Food | First Nations Food Issues | Food Insecurity | Food Policy |