Podcast Topic: International Food & Ag Policy
The Leading Voices in Food
Podcast Topic: International Food & Ag Policy
E117: Society’s Hunger Conundrum: Who is to blame, and who is responsible now?
February 25, 2021
Food and security, poses one of the most pressing development and human challenges in the world. This has been true for a very long time. And still there is a little social consensus on who ought to do what to solve the hunger problem. Today we’re talking with Dr. Michelle Jurkovich, Author of a new book entitled “Feeding The Hungry Advocacy and Blame in the Global Fight Against Hunger.” She argues that food is a critical economic and social right, and presents a toolkit of ideas for more effective rights advocacy. Dr. Jurkovich is a Political Scientist on the Faculty of the University of Massachusetts in Boston.
Related podcasts: Equity, Race & Food Justice | Food Insecurity | Food Policy | International Food & Ag Policy |
E109: The FABLE of International Sustainable Development
January 28, 2021
To meet the challenge of feeding the world’s growing population and safeguarding the planet’s land and resources in perpetuity, nations are going to have to work together like never before. Today’s guests are part of a 20 country research consortium, dubbed FABLE, which stands for Food, Agriculture, Biodiversity, Land-Use and Energy. Guests: environmental policy specialist, Jordan Poncet, who coordinates FABLE for the Sustainable Development Solutions Network and Justin Baker, Associate Professor and forest resource economist at North Carolina State University.
Related podcasts: Agriculture & Tech | Climate Change, Environment & Food | Food Policy | International Food & Ag Policy |
E108: Can we Trust Industry to Reformulate Food for Health?
January 26, 2021
When the food industry promises to police itself and pledges to improve nutrition in public health, can it be trusted to make meaningful change or must government mandate those changes? Our two guests today have done groundbreaking work to help address this very question. Dr. Jessica Fanzo, Professor of Global Food and Agricultural Policy and Ethics at Johns Hopkins University, and Dr. Jennifer Harris is Senior Research Advisor for Marketing Initiatives at the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at the University of Connecticut.
Related podcasts: Advocacy & Food | Diet & Nutrition | Food Industry Behavior & Marketing | Food Policy | Food Safety & Food Defense | International Food & Ag Policy | Ultra-processed Food & Additives |
E107: Fish Need a Stronger Role in Global Food Security Planning
January 19, 2021
In a recently released January 2021 paper, scientists urge global policy makers and funders, to think of fish as a solution to food insecurity and malnutrition, not just as a natural resource, that provides income and livelihoods. The research team argues that fish can play a larger role in addressing global hunger and malnutrition, but fisheries governance would need to change. Welcome to the Leading Voices in Food podcast. Our guest today is lead author Abigail Bennett, an assistant professor of Global Inland Fisheries Ecology and Governance at Michigan State University.
Related podcasts: Diet & Nutrition | Fisheries & Food Policy | Food Policy | International Food & Ag Policy |
E97: Can a New Commission Jumpstart Progress Towards Zero Hunger?
November 3, 2020
Progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 2: Zero Hunger is stalling, and the Covid-19 Pandemic is erasing the progress of the last decade in many parts of the world. Is it possible to re-energize on this issue? Could a new commission make a difference? Today, we’re talking with the authors of a new report entitled “High Level Commissions and Global Policymaking Prospects for Accelerating Progress Toward SDG2.” Geoff Gertz is a fellow in the Global Economy and Development Program at the Brookings Institution. And Sarah Zoubek, is the Associate Director of the World Food Policy Center here at Duke University.
Related podcasts: Diet & Nutrition | Equity, Race & Food Justice | Food Insecurity | Food Policy | International Food & Ag Policy |
E95: COVID-19 Disruptions to Nutrition for Mothers and Children Could Cost the World a Generation
October 20, 2020
This podcast is part of a series focused on the far-reaching impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the food system. Today, we’re looking at how the pandemic is driving up numbers, children experiencing or at risk for malnutrition, for wasting, and for possible death. Our guest expert is Dr. Saskia Osendarp, Executive Director of The Micronutrient Forum in Washington, DC.
Related podcasts: Child Development & Nutrition | COVID-19 Pandemic Impacts on Food | Diet & Nutrition | Equity, Race & Food Justice | Food Insecurity | Food Policy | International Food & Ag Policy |
E84: COVID Highlights Need to Change Food Security Strategy
August 18, 2020
This podcast is part of a series focused on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our food system. We’re interviewing Caitlin Welsh, director of the Global Food Security Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies based in Washington DC. Caitlin is a leading expert on global and US food security and particularly on the relationship between food security, urbanization, climate change, and conflict.
Related podcasts: Advocacy & Food | Climate Change, Environment & Food | COVID-19 Pandemic Impacts on Food | Equity, Race & Food Justice | Food Policy | International Food & Ag Policy |
E61: Awilo Ochieng Pernet on the Global Complexity of Food Safety
November 18, 2019
Food safety is a very important international issue and few people have been as engaged on this topic as our guest today, Awilo Ochieng Pernet, a senior advisor on international matters related to food safety, nutrition, water and veterinary issues at the Swiss Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office.
Related podcasts: Food Safety & Food Defense | International Food & Ag Policy |
E57: Tom Bollyky on How Food Drives International Instability
October 28, 2019
When Americans hear the term national security, I suspect few people would think about food in this context. Our guest, Thomas Bollyky is an ideal person to explain why this may be a glaring oversight.
Related podcasts: Food Safety & Food Defense | International Food & Ag Policy |
E45: Celebrating Howarth Bouis’ Contributions to Biofortification
July 15, 2019
So imagine that you face a daunting challenge: addressing malnutrition and nutrient deficiencies that affect people all around the world. These are people who live in different countries; they have different diets; and different nutrient challenges. How would you devise a way to affect the health and wellbeing of billions of people, and do so in a way that can be permanent and sustainable? Today’s guest has done just that.
Related podcasts: Agriculture & Tech | Diet & Nutrition | Food Safety & Food Defense | International Food & Ag Policy |