Podcast Topic: School Meals
The Leading Voices in Food
Podcast Topic: School Meals
E77: School Meals During a Pandemic – What Works with Katie Wilson
June 3, 2020
About 33 million children access school meals every day across the country. Today, we’re exploring the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on young students: children who receive much needed nutrition through their school. We interviewed Dr. Katie Wilson, executive director of the Urban School Food Alliance. The Urban School Food Alliance is a nonprofit coalition of the largest school districts in the U.S, including New York, LA, Chicago, Dallas, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Boston.
Related podcasts: Advocacy & Food | Child Development & Nutrition | Childhood Obesity | Children Food Preferences | COVID-19 Pandemic Impacts on Food | Diet & Nutrition | Equity, Race & Food Justice | Food Insecurity | Food Policy | School Meals |
E46: Charlie Cart’s Carolyn Federman on Food, Fun, and Classrooms
September 10, 2019
Americans have become distant from their food. It was once the case that people either grew food themselves or perhaps, just one step away from it, buying food from farmers or from markets served by local farmers, but boy, is it ever different now. Food is processed, it’s shipped long distances, and people are less in touch with how food is created, how to cook it, and more. There are some impressive efforts underway to help correct this problem. Some of the more impressive ones that focused on children such as the work of Carolyn Federman, the inspiration behind a highly innovative program known as Charlie Cart.
Related podcasts: Chefs & Food Writers | Child Development & Nutrition | Childhood Obesity | Children Food Preferences | Diet & Nutrition | School Meals |
E5: Kevin Concannon on the Role of Federal & State Food Assistance Programs
January 11, 2019
Imagine presiding over one of the nation’s major food assistance programs. The supplemental nutrition assistance program that helps feed more than $40 million Americans. And that this is just part of your job. Few people have seen the inner workings of federal and state food assistance programs as deeply as today’s guest, Kevin Concannon, former Undersecretary of Food, Nutrition and Consumer services in the US Department of Agriculture, under President Obama.
Related podcasts: Advocacy & Food | Child Development & Nutrition | Childhood Obesity | Equity, Race & Food Justice | Food Policy | School Meals | Social Safety Net & Food |
E4: Billy Shore on Politics, Food and our Children’s Future
If you had the opportunity to shape the country’s agenda for addressing hunger, what solutions would you suggest and how would you drive this needed change? The Leading Voices in Food interviews Billy Shore, executive chairman of No Kid Hungry and its parent organization Share Our Strength.
Related podcasts: Advocacy & Food | Child Development & Nutrition | Food Banks, Food Pantries & Soup Kitchens | Food Insecurity | Food Policy | School Meals |