Published: December 2019
Authors: FAO North America, the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN USA) and Duke University’s World Food Policy Center
Tables were asked to present one or more proposals for action to address a specific area of food systems, with a focus on Washington, DC, the United States, as well as global implications.
The discussion topics for dialogue at this event addressed the following areas:
- Food Systems Thinking
- Child Obesity Reduction
- Tackling Micronutrient Deficiencies through Biofortification
- Race, Inequality and Food Systems
- Gender, Nutrition and Food Systems
- Key Challenges for Family Farmers
- City Food Systems and DC Food Policy
Each discussion topic is shown in the report below, followed by the proposal(s) which emerged in response to that topic. We thank representatives of the following organizations for also facilitating table discussions: Harvest Plus, CARE International, the DC Office of Planning, the National Family Farm Coalition, and the Bread for the World Institute.