Podcast Topic: Community & Economic Development
The Leading Voices in Food
Podcast Topic: Community & Economic Development
E22: Heber Brown on Organizing Communities Around Their Food
March 12, 2019
In the US food system, communities of color suffer disproportionately from lack of access to affordable, nutritious food. But what happens when you connect growers with their communities? Or when communities grow their own food on Church owned land? In Baltimore, Maryland, and along the I-95 corridor in the southeast United States, you can see this happening through the Black Church Food Security Network. Our next guest on The Leading Voices in Food is Reverend Dr. Heber Brown, who founded this network with the goal of helping churches to grow their own food on church-owned land, and to partner black farmers and urban growers with historically African American congregations to create pipelines for fresh produce.
Related podcasts: Community & Economic Development | Equity, Race & Food Justice | Faith & Food | Food Insecurity |
E20: Darriel Harris on Harnessing Faith to Improve Community Health
Can you make sustainable changes in community or neighborhood health without tackling the issue of food and diet? Why is such work so difficult? What is the role of churches and other faith organizations? Our next guest on The Leading Voices in Food is Reverend Darriel Harris and he works on this problem in a variety of ways.
Related podcasts: Community & Economic Development | Diet & Nutrition | Faith & Food | Food Insecurity |
E12: Renske Lynde on Cultivating Food System Entrepreneurs for Impact
February 8, 2019
Imagine if the focus of your work was to identify the most promising entrepreneurs, those who could potentially develop transformative and scalable food and agriculture solutions. Imagine working closely with those entrepreneurs as their ideas blossom and their businesses develop, promote organic gardening effort to tackle food insecurity and Silicon Valley to accompany that converts organic waste in the compostable bioplastic. How fun would this be? Such is the work of Renske Lynde, director of Food Systems 6, a nonprofit California public benefit corporation based in the San Francisco Bay area, whose mission is to support promising entrepreneurs who want to transform how we grow, produce and distribute food.
Related podcasts: Community & Economic Development |
E11: Kornegay Farms’ Kim LeQuire on the Blessings of a Life in Agriculture
February 7, 2019
Has the buy local food movement helped farmers and open up new markets? Is organic farming really better than conventional farming? And what does it take to run a successful farming operation? We’ll discuss these topics and more with today’s guest Kim LeQuire. Kim runs Kornegay Family Farms along with her father Danny, mother Susie and brother Dan. Kornegay Family Farms is a 5,000 acre, fourth generation farm in Johnston County, North Carolina. The Kornegay’s grow sweet potatoes, tobacco, soybeans, cotton, wheat, and peanuts. The also run four swine finishing floors.
Related podcasts: Agriculture & Tech | Community & Economic Development | North Carolina | Voice of Farming |
E15: Hisham Moharram Talks Agripreneurship and The Good Tree
January 9, 2019
Hisham Moharram describes himself as an agripreneur and an environmental and social justice activist. His life’s goal is to establish a local food economy and to show people that we can produce food with environmental stewardship and faith-based agribusiness at the core.
Related podcasts: Advocacy & Food | Agriculture & Tech | Community & Economic Development | Faith & Food |