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Chapter 17: Future Challenges, Trends, and Opportunities

Published: June 2020
Bibliographic reference: Templeton, Gizem; Aytekin Hatik, Nihal Destan; Campbell, Hilary A.; Chapter 17: Future Challenges, Trends, and Opportunities in Public Health Nutrition: Rural, Urban and Global Community-Based Practice. Ed. Barth, M. Margaret; Bell, Ronny A.; Grimmer, Karen. June 2020. DOI:10.1891/9780826146854

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Gizem book chapter


Today, via trade and/or food aid, almost everyone around the planet has access to food that is not grown locally. With this globalization and commodification of food, we now have a much more complex food system. Understanding the food system, as well as predicting future trends, is more difficult than ever before. According to the 2019 Revision of World Population Prospects, the world population is estimated to reach 9.7 billion in 2050 and 10.9 billion by the end of the century. The estimated population growth adds further pressure to the global food system that is currently struggling to feed people in equitable ways. This chapter describes the future challenges and opportunities in growing enough food for all people to live a healthy life, the sustainability of agriculture, the reciprocal relationship between climate change and farming practices, and the equitable distribution of and access to food by all humans.

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