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Monetizing Resilience to Mobilize Climate Capital: Understanding the Value of Climate-Smart Agriculture in East Africa

The investments required to protect developing countries from climate change are at least 10 times larger than international public finance flows, with an estimated gap of $194 billion to $366 billion per year. To help fill that gap, this project will study new approaches to private-sector investment. Focusing on smallholder farmers in East Africa, the team aims to help develop new financial instruments, including resilience credits, carbon credits with resilience co-benefits and resilience bonds, among others.



July 1, 2024 -


Sanford School of Public Policy, Duke

  • Marc Jeuland, PI
  • Alexander Pfaff
  • Norbert Wilson

Nicholas Institute for Energy

  • Jonathan Phillips, Environment & Sustainability
  • Liilnna Teji, Policy Associate
  • Rahel Deribe Bekele, Postdoctoral Associate

Pratt School of Engineering

  • Mark Borsuk, Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • William Ferris (Postdoctoral Associate, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Trinity College of Arts & Sciences

  • James Moody, Sociology
    Alejandro Diaz-Herrera, Ph.D. Student
    Dylan Munson, Ph.D. Student


Duke Climate Research Innovation Seed Program (CRISP)