Podcast Topic: Agriculture & Tech
The Leading Voices in Food
Podcast Topic: Agriculture & Tech
E45: Celebrating Howarth Bouis’ Contributions to Biofortification
July 15, 2019
So imagine that you face a daunting challenge: addressing malnutrition and nutrient deficiencies that affect people all around the world. These are people who live in different countries; they have different diets; and different nutrient challenges. How would you devise a way to affect the health and wellbeing of billions of people, and do so in a way that can be permanent and sustainable? Today’s guest has done just that.
Related podcasts: Agriculture & Tech | Diet & Nutrition | Food Safety & Food Defense | International Food & Ag Policy |
E38: Diego Rose on Environmental Sustainability and our Food
June 6, 2019
When you make decisions about what to eat, what factors in? Most people think about taste, what food costs, what is available and in some cases the health consequences. But what about the environmental impact of food choices? Our guest Dr Diego Rose has done fascinating work on just this topic.
Related podcasts: Agriculture & Tech | Climate Change, Environment & Food | Food Safety & Food Defense | International Food & Ag Policy | Regenerative Agriculture |
E28: Nancy Ranney on Regenerative Grazing in New Mexico
April 26, 2019
If you’re like me, you’ve read or heard of reports and news accounts talking about the negative consequences of producing beef, with greenhouse gas emissions, heavy water use and the welfare of the animals leading the list of concerns. But just when it seems like producing and consuming less beef might be a health and environmental bonanza, along comes an alternative way of doing things. One that uses a fundamentally different approach to things.
Related podcasts: Agriculture & Tech | Climate Change, Environment & Food | Regenerative Agriculture | Voice of Farming |
E19: Martin Bloem – Embrace Complexity to Fix the Food System
March 21, 2019
One of the most important questions facing the world is how it will feed itself both now and in the future. Answering this question will require the brightest minds; people who will understand the complex interactions of trade, poverty, climate change, agriculture technology, and the ever-changing political landscape from country to country. And this is just a name, some of the factors. Few people are as capable of seeing how all these pieces fit together as our guest Dr. Martin Bloem, professor, and director of the Center for a Livable Future at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Related podcasts: Agriculture & Tech | Food Insecurity | International Food & Ag Policy |
E26: Aaron Gross on Factory Farming and New Ways to Support Farmers
March 9, 2019
What does it mean to be a conscientious consumer of food? Does it make a difference to the economy, the environment, or is it simply a personal decision? What do people of faith have to say about it? We’ll explore these issues today on the Leading Voices in Food Podcast with our guest, Dr Aaron Gross, an Associate Professor of theology and religious studies at the University of San Diego.
Related podcasts: Advocacy & Food | Agriculture & Tech | Climate Change, Environment & Food | Faith & Food | Food Policy | Food Safety & Food Defense |
E13: Mark Bittman on Eating Sustainably and Agroecology
February 14, 2019
Many people in the modern world have become distant from their food. They may not know where it’s grown, who grows it, who produces it, or who harvests it, what impact its production has on the environment, how it is processed, how to prepare it, and more. A champion of shrinking this distance and of understanding how all these pieces fit together is an activist, and an advocate, and a journalist. A person whose career has been devoted to making it easier for people to eat healthy food, and good food, Mark Bittman.
Related podcasts: Agriculture & Tech | Climate Change, Environment & Food | Regenerative Agriculture |
E11: Kornegay Farms’ Kim LeQuire on the Blessings of a Life in Agriculture
February 7, 2019
Has the buy local food movement helped farmers and open up new markets? Is organic farming really better than conventional farming? And what does it take to run a successful farming operation? We’ll discuss these topics and more with today’s guest Kim LeQuire. Kim runs Kornegay Family Farms along with her father Danny, mother Susie and brother Dan. Kornegay Family Farms is a 5,000 acre, fourth generation farm in Johnston County, North Carolina. The Kornegay’s grow sweet potatoes, tobacco, soybeans, cotton, wheat, and peanuts. The also run four swine finishing floors.
Related podcasts: Agriculture & Tech | Community & Economic Development | North Carolina | Voice of Farming |
E15: Hisham Moharram Talks Agripreneurship and The Good Tree
January 9, 2019
Hisham Moharram describes himself as an agripreneur and an environmental and social justice activist. His life’s goal is to establish a local food economy and to show people that we can produce food with environmental stewardship and faith-based agribusiness at the core.
Related podcasts: Advocacy & Food | Agriculture & Tech | Community & Economic Development | Faith & Food |
E9: A’dae Romero-Briones on First Nations Food Systems
January 7, 2019
What can food teach us about our community lifeways, past and present? Community food life ways or one way that first nations tribes can regain food sovereignty in the face of federal policies that have diminished native lands, imposed a non-native diet, and made it difficult to retain native languages. This is a core part of the work of today’s guest on the Leading Voices in Food A’dae Romero-Briones.
Related podcasts: Advocacy & Food | Agriculture & Tech | Climate Change, Environment & Food | Equity, Race & Food Justice | Faith & Food | First Nations Food Issues | Food Insecurity | Food Policy |
E6: Shenggen Fan on Hunger, Climate Change and the Hope of Innovation
January 3, 2019
What happens when a child is malnourished? Can such a child ever “catch up” later in life? Why does urbanization and obesity seem to go hand in hand—and what does this mean for food production? We’ll explore big picture food system questions today on the Leading Voices in Food with our guest Dr. Shenggen Fan.
Related podcasts: Agriculture & Tech | Child Development & Nutrition | Childhood Obesity | Climate Change, Environment & Food | Equity, Race & Food Justice | Food Policy | International Food & Ag Policy | Regenerative Agriculture |