The Leading Voices in Food
Adams, Darnell
Ager, Jamie
Akin, Karen
Allcott, Hunt
Andino, Ana
Apfelbaum, Steven
Asche, Frank
Ashton, Weslynne
Aspenson, Anna
Babb, Suzanne
Babbitt, Callie
Bailey, Conner
Baker, Justin
Barnes, Carolyn
Bartoshuk, Linda
Batten, Brandon
Bell, Winnie
Bender, Kathryn
Bennett, Abigail
Bennett, Gary
Beyranevand, Laurie
Bhatti, Salaam
Bittman, Mark
Black, Maureen
Bleich, Sara
- E168: Nutrition Security now a Clear Focus for USDA
- E16: Sara Bleich on Menu Labeling, Marketing and Public Health
Bloem, Martin
Bobby J. Smith II
Bollyky, Thomas
Booker, Matthew
Bouis, Howarth
Bragg, Marie
Branca, Francesco
Broad Leib, Emily
Bronaugh, Jewel
Brooks, Monica
Brown, Elly
Brown, Gabe
Brown, Heber
Burton, Susan
Buzby, Jean
Carden, Sarah
Carter, Chris
- E180: Chris Carter and the Spirit of Soul Food
- E25: Christopher Carter on Looking at Food Theologically
Cash, Sean
Chatelain, Marcia
Chavis, Celeste
Chester, Jeff
Cheung, Lilian
Coates, Jennifer
Cohen, Alison
Concannon, Kevin
Conrad, Alison
Conser, Russ
Corvalan, Camila
Cotter, Trish
Cotwright, Caree
Crittenden Fuller, Sarah
Crowe, Jasmine
- E225: Efficient Food Recovery and Waste Prevention – a Business Strategy
- E120: GOODR Tackles the Logistics of Redirecting Healthy Food to the Hungry
Cuttriss, Nick
Davis, Eleanor
Dean, Stacy
Deconinck, Koen
Denniston, Karrie
Desai, Sona
Dietz, Bill
Dimock, Michael
Dissen, William
DiStefano, Joe
Duren, Colby
Egan, Sophie
Elinav, Eran
Elkins, Catherine
Ellis, Curt
Ellison, Brenna
Evans Peterson, Elle
Everett, Jeremy
Fan, Linlin
Fan, Shenggen
Fanzo, Jessica
Farley, Thomas
Federman, Carolyn
Feldman, Marla
Finaret, Amelia
Fisher, Andy
Folta, Sara
Foster, Gary
Franz, Nicole
- E248: Climate-smart strategies for small-scale fishing communities
- E133: Measuring Fish for Food & Nutrition Security – Improving Metrics to Advance Policy
Freeman, Andrea
Fretes, Gabriela
Frohlich, Xaq
Funkhouser, Maggie
Garrett, Greg
Garza, Matthew
Gearhardt, Ashley
- E159: Ultra-processed Foods Have Addiction Impact on our Bodies
- E18: Ashley Gearhardt on Food Addiction and You…Yes, You.
Gennetian, Lisa
Georgieff, Michael
Gertz, Geoffrey
Gibson Davis, Christina
Gilkesson, Parker
Golden, Chris
Gomez, Eduardo
Goran, Michael
Graddy-Lovelace, Garrett
Greenhalgh, Susan
Gross, Aaron
Hager, Kurt
Halpern-Meekin, Sarah
Hampton, Ronnell
Harding, Shawn
Harmon, Regina
Harris, Darriel
Harris, Jennifer
Harris, Will
- E222: The Regenerative Ag Legacy of White Oak Pastures
- E72: Will Harris on White Oak Pastures Success with Regenerative Ag
Hassouna, Mohamed
Hedrick Weant, Marianne
Hetherington, Marion
Higgins, Kathy
Hubbard, Mia
Huettel, Scott
Ivey, Bob
Jacobson, Michael
Javed, Ibrahim
John, Sara
Johnson, Abigail
Johnson, Michael
June, Lyla
Jurkovich, Michelle
Kablan, Ahmed
Kircher, Amy
- E36: Amy Kircher on Food Fraud, Pomegranates & Baby Formula
- E33: Food Defense and the Extreme Complexity of our Food Supply Chain
- E32: Food Defense 101 with Amy Kircher
Krieger, Jim
Kumanyika, Shiriki
- E177: Introducing Operation Good Food & Beverages – New Way to Think about Black Activism
- E6: Shiriki Kumanyika on the Disparities in our Food
Kushner, Robert
Kwate, Naa Oyo
Laninga, Dee
Larian, Nika
Larrick, Rick
Leets, Laura
Lehner, Peter
Leibman, Abby
Leitz Bilecky, Emma
Leive, Adam
LeQuire, Kim
Lewis, Michelle
Linton, Richard
Lobstein, Timothy
Lott, Megan
Love Parish, Nurya
Love, Dave
Luddington, Charles
Ludwig, David
- E149: “We’ve had it backwards” – New model explains weight gain and obesity
- E148: Weight Loss Study Drives New Insight into Role of Carbohydrates
Lundgren, Jonathan
Lustig, Rob
Lynde, Renske
Lyons, Matt
Lytton, Timothy
Madison, Deborah
Masters, William
Mattes, Richard
Mayne, Susan
- E189: FDA Plans to Update Health Claim on Food Packaging
- E187: FDA role in national strategy to end hunger
McReynolds, Roland
Metz, Louise
Mika, Grace
Miller Olapade, Pastor Wendy
Miller, Adrian
- E105: Culinary Historian Adrian Miller on Food Justice
- E104: Adrian Miller on the History of Soul Food
Miller, Katherine
Moharram, Hisham
Molidor, Jennifer
Monteiro, Carlos
Montez, Jason
Montgomery, David
Montgomery, Kathryn
Moore, Tamika
Morales, Xavier
Moran, Alyssa
Mosier, Samantha
Muller, Mark
Neff, Roni
Nestle, Marion
Norton, Michael
Nuri, Rashid
Ochieng Pernet, Awilo
Ortega, David
Osendarp, Saskia
Osterholm, Michael
Paarlberg, Robert
Pearl, Rebecca
Perez-Escamilla, Rafael
- E111: Teaching Responsive Feeding to Parents Create Lifelong Healthy Habits in Children
- E110: Policy and Medical Practice Need to Better Support Breastfeeding
Pfaff, Alex
Pitkowsky, Joel
Pitt, Burt
Pitt, Gwen
- E56: Gwen Pitt on the Changing Roles of Women in Farming
- E50: Gwen’s Cotton
- E49: Pitt Family Farm Story
Pomeranz, Jennifer
- E261: Here’s what you don’t know about food safety
- E35: Jennifer Pomeranz on Food Policy and Industry Tactics Driving Preemption
Poncet, Jordan
Popkin, Barry
- E44: Chile’s Health Strategy: Warning Labels, Soda Taxes, and Marketing Limits
- E43: Barry Popkin on the International Success of Soda Taxes
Poppendieck, Janet
- E80: Janet Poppendieck – COVID Highlights the Problems with Charity Food
- E81: Time for Universal Free School Meals
Prager, Elena
Prentice, Andrew
Protas, Josh
Pugh, Dawson
- E60: A Visit to Middlecreek Farms in the Blacklands of North Carolina
- E54: Farming with Hurricanes in the Blacklands of North Carolina
Puhl, Rebecca
Queen, Cheryl
Querdasi, Fran
Quick, Jonathan
Ranney, Nancy
Ratliff, Jasmine
Rawal, Sanjay
Richardson, Belinda
Rimanyi, Eszter
Rivera, Juan
Roberto, Christina
- E236: Why we need a new food labeling system
- E30: Christina Roberto on Food Labeling in Guatemala and Soda Taxes in Philly
Rodli, Nora
Roe, Brian
- E206: Results from a National Household Food Waste Survey
- E185: How and why do households waste food?
Romero Briones, A-dae
Rose, Diego
- E216: Who are the biggest beef eaters of all?
- E38: Diego Rose on Environmental Sustainability and our Food
Russell, Sharman
Sabella, Rachel
Sacks, Gary
Salmon, Samantha
Sanderson, Matt
Savory, Allan
Schaferhoff, Marco
Schwartz, Marlene
- E113: The Power of Policy and Parents in School Meals
- E112: Food Banks, Food Pantries, and the Promise of More
Sharkey, Andrea
Shin, Sonya
Shore, Billy
- E143: Improved Child Tax Credit Will Lift Many Out of Poverty
- E4: Billy Shore on Politics, Food and our Children’s Future
- E1: Billy Shore on Feeding Kids in the US and Abroad
Silverstein, Jaime
Simms Hipp, Janie
Skeet, James
Skeet, Joyce
Smith, Travis
Sommer, Al
Sonnenburg, Justin
Spang Ned
Stein, Alana
Suez, Jotham
Sullivan, Nicolette
Sungu, Azra
Sylvestsky, Allison
Taylor, Anna
Taylor, Heather
Templeton, Gizem
Thomas, Kymie
Thomson, Sally
Tomiyama, Janet
Torell, Elin
Towns, Eleni
Trabold, Thomas
Turmel, Marie-Soleil
Ukah, Bevelyn
Vaughn, Marlowe
- E70: Myths and Misperceptions about the Pork Industry
- E58: Pig Farming Family Style at Razorback Farms
- E52: Hogs and Hurricanes in North Carolina
Ventura, Emily
Virdin, John
Wadden, Thomas
- E259: Your state of the science on weight loss drugs
- E164: Highly Successful Weight Loss Drug Semaglutide Explained
Wallinga, David
Warenda, Jim
Warner, Kenneth
Waxman, Elaine
Webb, Robb
Wei, Ree Ree
Welsh, Caitlin
Willett, Walter
Wilson, Katie
Wilson, Norbert
- E154: Micropantries and Community Resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- E137: Why Grocery Taxes Hurt Low Income Families More – Evidence for Policymakers
Wineman, Ayala
Wirzba, Norman
- E96: The Role & Promise of Rural Faith Communities in Solving Hunger
- E08: Norman Wirzba: Does Faith Shape your Relationship to Food?